We are keeping busy. We have had many new arrivals in our lives the last month or so. As I blogged before, we welcomed Michele's new niece on Feb. 3rd. Alexandra Briann Dey. Then our best friend Erin and her husband had their little boy on March 10th, Mason Andrew Harsh, both little ones will be joining my household of rugrats soon. Then last night, my brother and his wife called and said they got a call and they may be welcoming a newborn baby boy to there household of already 6 kids here in the next couple weeks. They, like Michele have been waiting for this for the last few months. I am not sure if it is set in stone or the exact pick up date. He is apparently 10 days old now. Hopefully all these babies are a good sign for Michele, it seems to be raining babies. Michele has been waiting 7 months 8 almost since she lost Annabelle. She is desperate to get a call for her new little one. Please pray that she meets her baby soon!!!
Abby is in ballet and loving it and Brianna is just beside herself wanting to join up also, unfortunately she needs to wait a few more weeks, she has to be 3 to join. She also thinks she wants to try pee-wee soccer. All of this is great for her, she needs these kinds of activities even more than the average kiddo. Brianna has been seeing a physical therapist for some large motor issues she has. She trips and falls a lot, has some trouble with climbing, running, jumping. The PT believes she has low muscle tone and her right leg is turned in slightly and she drags the toes. We are looking into some special things to go over her shoes that help her to self correct the way she walks, hopefully this and the physical therapy combined will help.
The cats have been great, Zeke thinks he is a dog. He begs for and steals people food. Tries to escape out the doors every time they are open and lets the kids lay all over him. Some of it would be annoying if he wasn't so damn cute...LOL...
We keep updated regularly on Annabelle (Charlotte) she is almost not a baby anymore. She is walking and has the fullest head of hair. We miss her so much, when we watch her on her blog videos and photos she is just adorable and so funny. Her brother Cooper and her really keep their mom and dad busy! As I have said before, you should jump over to her blog and see how grown up she is getting.
Grandmom Judy has been busy, busy, busy redecorating her house. I have been helping her a lot with furniture and decoration selection. I just love that kind of thing. In June we plan on painting a lot of rooms in her house. We are all taking vacation at the same time to get it done. It will be a VERY tiring week, but hopefully worth it in the end!
Well, I will wrap it up. Please remember Michele in your thoughts and prayers. She is obviously very happy for all the people in our lives who have new additions. Obviously though it brings up some sadness for Michele. It makes her miss Annabelle terribly, and makes the anticipation of her new one even more difficult to take. She feels as though it is never going to happen for her. Hopefully she is very close now and will get her little one soon!