Well, it is time to start planning for the holidays. Christmas is coming, so there are gifts to be purchased. Santa Clause has already begun taking care of the things on Brianna's Christmas list. Small things, not the big stuff yet. I am hoping for some good day after Thanksgiving sales. Oh I mean Santa is...LOL...This is the first year in a while that I need to get gifts for out of state people. I need to make sure I get that sort of thing done on time. It is also the first year that I think we are going to have to try and shop without the girls. In the past we could sneak around and hide things in carts. But this year I am sure that will not be possible.

We are doing the Thanksgiving dinner thing at our house again this year. So far I think it's Grandmom and Papa Adams, Papa Tom and us. Uncle Jason might join us, but he tends to have other plans. I hope he comes though, he has never met Brianna and we live in the same area. I need to decide on the Thanksgiving Menu and decide what I need the others to contribute.

My nephew Ashton will be out here from Oregon again this Christmas and we always look forward to that. He is 13 now and I can hardly believe it. Maybe if Jason doesn't make Thanksgiving I can manage to get him over here with his son (Ashton) at Christmas. We don't usually see the six pack on Thanksgiving, they usually do more with her family then. But we always plan something with them on Christmas Eve. And with the exception of this last year, we usually get together with them for a Gingerbread house decorating contest. Josh ALWAYS thinks his team is the winner. It is always fun, but this would be the first time Brianna and Abby could participate. Even though the little ones usually eat more decorations than they build with them. That is all part of the fun of it. I hope e do it this year, we missed it last year.

One of my favorite things that we do each year is have a cookie making day. It usually includes me, Michele, my mom, and Michele's mom and Jan, Michele's sister in law. I have wanted Ambyr to participate, but certain circumstances keep that from being possible. We all bring ingredients for one or two different cookie or cookie type goodies and we spend all day baking. When we are done we share the wealth of such yumminess (not sure that's a real word) with each other. We make containers full for family, work friends and neighbors and then deliver them to recipients on our own. And of course we keep some for ourselves. I hope everyone has a blessed holiday season, I am sure there will be many pictures and postings over the next couple months.
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