Well, we have been very busy with Halloween, and I have a lot of pics to share, but my camera needs charged, so I will start by posting the blog and I will add my pics later. The girls and I went to the school Monster Mash on Oct.24. That was fun. The school has some parents/teachers decorate their cars and the kids Trunk or Treat out of the backs of them. It is very cute and people go all out with decorating their cars.

We carved pumpkins Thursday night. Abby was VERY into it and really enjoyed every aspect. Brianna on the other hand would not help mommy clean out the pumpkin, cause she said it was "nasty" and "disgusting", but she helped decide how the pumpkin should look and she loved him when it was done. She kept kissing and hugging it. Abby named the pumpkins Big Tom and Little Tom, which she got from a pumpkin movie she saw on the Disney channel.

Halloween night was a blast. We had a Trick or Treat party at our house. We invited a few friends and neighbors to come over and trick or treat and then come back to our house for a potluck chili/soup dinner and party treats. We had 11 kids and 13 adults. We had so much fun and it was great that it was on Friday, because nobody felt like they had to rush home to put kids to bed.
The girls both started Gymnastics last week. It i a mommy and me class so Michele and I work almost as hard as the girls, lol, but they loved it and I was sooo proud of Brianna. She was so good and did everything the teacher told her. She didn't want to go home when it was over.
Michele has not gotten a baby yet, but she raised the age to under a year from under 3 months. She just thought it might broaden the choices, and she figures either way she will get the baby she is suppose to have this time. The one God wants her to have. God could not possibly torture her and ll of us with two losses in a row. If that happens, I do not think Michele could try again, her heart would shatter if she had to go through that again, as would mine.
Annabelle/Charlotte is doing great, feel free to visit her blog anytime. Her new family welcomes it. She is getting so big. She will be walking soon I think and she is getting prettier every day.
Well I think that catches us up for now. I am going to try and get better about posting stuff. The Holidays should give me lots to write about.
Happy Halloween everyone!