Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy, Busy!

Hello all, I cannot believe I have not blogged in like over two weeks. I am so busy during the day and at night my energy is zapped. We have been keeping busy on he weekends also. Last weekend we went to sunflower farms with the girls and cousin Tavish. We also went with Grandmom, Aunt Jan, Uncle Brian and Jan's sister Julie and her 3 kids. We had a lot of fun, petting the animals. swinging on the enormous tree swings & playing in the tree house. It was a great place for kids, if you have never been you should definitely take the kids. The weekend before that we went to chuck e. cheese and had a family dinner with Tavish and his folks at grandmom's house.

Abby still loves preschool and cannot wait to go, she has a new best friend at school named Chloe. Chloe's mom works with Michele so we set up a play date and Abby had Chloe over for dinner and play last night. Brianna is so very two these days that I am ready to send her to the moon. She pretends as if she doesn't hear me, has gotten very sassy and is back to crying at the drop of a pin, which I thought she was getting past. She is not yet much of a fit thrower like Abby was, but I should probably knock on wood, because I am sure that day is coming.

Fall is finally here and the holidays are not far off now. This is my favorite time of year, especially now that I am a mommy. I waited my whole life to have a little one to do Halloween with and Christmas morning with. She will really grasp Christmas morning this year, and she is already telling everyone she is gonna be a baby chicken for Halloween, " cheep, cheep". Abby has really figured out the whole Santa thing, she is aleady creating a mental list of gifts Santa will be bringing her...LOL...

Well, I will try to stay on top of this blog thing better. Michele had masters classes this weekend so we didn't do any big fun things , that gave me a little time to update. I will try to steal these moments more often.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Spaghetti Night!!!

Wow, do these girls LOVE their spaghetti, but they wear as much as they eat. Especially Miss Brianna. Just look at her, sucking down those noodles like she has never seen food before. She had two helpings plus garlic bread. This is a child I usually have to bribe to get her to eat much dinner, but not on spaghetti night. She thought she was pretty cute getting her picture taken at dinner time to. Abby is a little messy, but she has mastered holding her head over the bowl most of the time. Neither girl will let us cut up the noodles, because they like to suck it down like the Lady and the Tramp.

Then it was clean-up time, forget trying to clean them up with an ordinary washcloth. This job calls for a total hosing off. One at a time, in the sink. They both find this horribly amusing also! Anyway I just felt these adorable pictures must be shared. And let it be a warning to all of you, not to invite us over for spaghetti dinner.:)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Highlands Ranch Cowboy Days

Hello all, as you saw yesterday we went to Highlands Ranch Cowboy days. For those of you who do not know, Highlands Ranch is a city in our state. There is a Mansion there that is now called Highlands Ranch Mansion. It was built around 1900 and has a rich history. One of the bedrooms called the Julia room is thought to be haunted by one of the former owners daughters. There was also a murder scandal that surrounded around it's mistress in the early 1900's when one of her lovers killed another lover. Then her husband threw her out of the mansion. The mansion she was kicked out of by the way was called Castle Isabel which was her name. In the mid 1900's it was converted to a dairy and cattle ranch. Now it is only used as a place for tours and things like yesterday. It is very pretty and inspired Abby to want to get married. I think it was the Ball Room that did it, after we were in it, she said people get married there and kept telling us she wanted to get married to a boy...LOL... I think the ball Room reminded her of her Cinderella movies. Brianna liked all of the animals, as did Abby until she got her hand accidentally nipped feeding carrots to a pony. We had fun and it was a beautiful day for it. We went with Papa bear, and the girls love to spend time with him. Well, I hope everyone has a great week.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Blog Slacker!

I have not blogged in over a week, in fact almost two weeks, By the time I get around to being able to sit down and gather a thought, all I want to do is go to bed. Things in daycare are getting confusing now. I have Abby in pre-school on Mon./Wed., Cooper on Tues./Thurs, William gets here on Mon. after preschool on a school bus, Tavish is now only 2 days a week, but we are not sure if it is Mon./Thurs. or Tues./Thurs.Trying to remember who goes where when and who is coming back at what time is very new to me. They did all arrive and leave at pretty much the same time up til now.It adds a new level of hectic to my day, I am sure it will get better, once I remember who is going where. I am not complaining, I wouldn't change a thing, and I know it will only become more crazy when the kids head off to "real" school and I am managing all of this, plus school work, activities, volunteering at school, more play dates and whatever else comes at me. Being an at home mom is one thing, but adding other peoples kids and trying to keep the house as clean as a business(because technically it is) just makes it a little harder to keep up on. If it were just my kiddos, I could dress them and feed them when I got to it and if the dished sat in the sink or the toys weren't picked up the only one who would care is me. As I said, not complaining, but I get distracted and either forget to blog, or I am wanting to sleep, over blogging.

Tomorrow Michele and I are taking the girls, along with Papa Bear& maybe Grandmom, Tavish and Aunt Jan to highlands Ranch Cowboy Days. It should be fun, with a petting zoo, and ponies and Native American dancers. It is only suppose to be in the low to mid 70's tomorrow, which for me is ideal outdoor activity weather.

I am sooooo excited the days seem to be cooling off a little earlier this year. you all know me, I have already put out a few fall decorations, a couple cute little pumpkins and scarecrows. No Halloween yet, I am not that over zealous.

Brianna, is really feeling her two's these days, she is so funny though, because she is just to sweet to push it to far, she hates being in trouble and always ends up apologizing to me and kissing and hugging like crazy.

I decided the other day, that Brianna is starting to get old enough to meet her baby brother who was placed with a different family last October. If you remember, I tried to get him, but his birth mom fled 5 hours out of our county, so they had to place him there. Well, I contacted family services there a couple of days ago, and guess what. Birth mom got the baby back about a month ago. That means poor Brianna is unlikely to know him, at least until she is an adult, unless he is removed again and we are notified. Ordway is such a small town and Crowley is such a small county, that they only have 2 social workers and one judge. I do not know if they were more lenient with birth mom or if she did a complete 180 for the baby, but she never did anything when it was Brianna. I am surprised she could make such a turn around. I hope she really has, for the baby's sake, and for hers also I suppose. I know Brianna will someday ask about her, and probably want to go find her, I would prefer it if she has gotten her life together and it can be a positive experience for Brianna, as opposed to a disappointing one. I was just really hoping for the kids to have that connection of knowing eachother, it would have been so good for Brianna, but that is part of why I waited, i wanted to be sure before I mentioned him to her. Now I will wait until she is old enough. I a going to try and see if I can get a picture or two for Brianna of the baby though.

Well it is now almost 12:30 am and I need to get up reasonably early for tis thing tomorrow. We will take pics and I will post about our day later.