Summer fun is great, for the kids anyway. They love playing in the water and picnicing outside. I on the other hand am truly ready for fall to get here. I am just not a heat person. Plus I cannot wait for the fall colors and the holidays to start. Not to mention my body gets a lot more forgiveness in a sweater and jeans than it does in shorts and a tank top. Ashton was here for a few weeks and just left at the beginning of the month. He is growing up, and with such long gaps between visits it just seems as though we have missed half of his childhood. He will be back at Christmas though, just one more reason for the holidays to get here and for the summer heat to leave us! :) I never know how to talk to him though, now that he is getting to be a teenager. I ope he knows how much the people out here in Colorado love and miss him when he is gone. Well thats all for now, everyone enjoy the heat!

Abby and her boyfriends enjoying a nice picnic lunch in the sun.
Tiff! What a cute idea. Your blog looks great!
ha! you guys are funny. Were you trying to see what the comment thing was about? go see my blog i sent it to michele.
how'd you get my blog to link from yours?...that's cute i will do a link from mine to yours and micheles. thanks about shutterfly idea. I am not sure i will be able to figure out how to get my pics from snapfish over there though.
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