Sorry I have not been on to update things in so long. Our computer is on the fritz. I am using Michele's personal computer now to get some stuff done that has been neglected for over a month. You don't realize how much you use computers until you don't have access to them 24/7.
So over the last mos we have had a new arrival in our family. Michele's brother and sis-in-law had their baby on February 3. Her name is Alexandra Briann Dey and she is of course adorable! The girls love her especially Brianna, and of course she is now wondering when her mommy is planning on providing her with a baby brother or sister...LOL... I keep telling her someday, maybe when she is about 4. I have to admit, I am as anxious as she is to give her what she wants, but we need to get Abby her baby brother or sister first.
Speaking of Abby, she has been doing ballet for the last coupe of months and loves it. I think we have tapped into what she really enjoys. Brianna wants to give it a try to, but she needs to turn 3 first.
The kitty cats have settled right in. They get along fine with the dog and have also become good friends with eachother. The girls really need to work on the gentle factor though. They treat the poor cats like toys. Zeke is extremely tolerant of them, but Jonas runs for cover when he sees them coming.
I have added a couple new kiddo's to my daycare. They seem like great kids. Sarah is 4 and Tyler is about 20 mos. Abby and Sarah have really bonded, they are both very into princess' and dress up. I will also be adding Alexandra, along with my friend Erin's baby boy soon. She is due March 16th, so whenever she is done with her maternity leave.

You all need to go visit Charlotte's (Annabelle's) blog. She is getting so big and soooo cute. We miss her so much, but she looks so happy and healthy and loved. We couldn't ask for more. She is starting to take steps so I am sure she will be walking all over soon.
Well, I think that is about all for now, I will try to use michele's computer more regularly, and stay current with the blog. God Bless all, hoe you are well!